Anticipating Innovation

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipating in a conference, workshop, ...


    Anticipating Innovation
    Experiencing the ‘Future’ in Journalism Education

    A one-day workshop exploring the practical and theoretical challenges of designing experience-based teaching and work-integrated learning for ‘live’ newsroom and capstone units.
    Wednesday November 11, 2015
    News and Media Research Centre
    University of Canberra

    Session schedule:
    0900 New Narratives: Innovation, embedded creatives and new challenges of professionalism
    0930 Overview and walkthrough of each university’s ‘live’ publishing experience
    1030 Coffee
    1045 Practical challenges of the ‘live’ online publishing experience
    1215 Lunch (provided)
    1300 Institutional challenges and sector-wide resource sharing
    1430 Coffee
    1445 Towards the next iteration of innovation in journalism education

    Session leaders and speakers:
    Associate Professor Andrew Dodd, Swinburne University of Technology
    Associate Professor Chris Scanlon, La Trobe University
    Senior Lecturer Renee Barnes, University of Sunshine Coast
    Assistant Professor Glen Fuller, University of Canberra

    Period11 Nov 2015
    Event typeWorkshop
    LocationCanberra, Australia, Australian Capital TerritoryShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionNational