BIM Talk

  • Saeed BANIHASHEMI (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


Can Building Information Modelling (BIM) underpin a smart future for Australian construction industry? The recent advent of live and collaborative databases of BIM information, delivered in 3D, 4D and 5D, presents a real opportunity for built environment stakeholders to consider BIM as a key smart system to be designed into a building and residing on a common data network. While Australia has generally been proactive in adopting the new technologies for the planning, design, construction and ongoing maintenance of buildings and infrastructures, the fast pace of new developments means that there is much more that needs to be done. This session will describe BIM as a tool, process and policy and proven procedures in BIM implementation supply chain, provide demonstration of key potentials for construction lifecycle and highlight BIM application for built environment industry. KEY LEARNINGS The construction productivity issues in the global and local context Conceptualising BIM as a whole of industry tool, process and policy BIM implementation supply chain and the way forward Demonstration of BIM capabilities SPEAKER Dr Saeed Banihashemi is the Assistant Professor in the school of Design & Built Environment, Faculty of Arts and Design; University of Canberra (UC). Saeed received his Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a Master of Science in Construction Project Management. He obtained his PhD in the Built Environment School of University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Through his PhD project, Saeed developed a novel approach in integrating Building Information Modelling (BIM) with Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to develop more efficient construction process. Prior to joining UC, Saeed achieved extensive experiences in both academy and industry through teaching in universities and working in construction companies across Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. Saeed has patented a new method in monitoring construction project sites through data analytics application, published a book regarding the integration of Industrialised Building System (IBS) with BIM and authored and co-authored more than 40 research articles and book chapters grounded on the areas of BIM, construction project management, digital construction and data analytics in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industries.
Period6 Feb 2019
Held atDesign & Built Environment
Degree of RecognitionLocal