Data Analytics and Visualisation Graduate Program at University of York in Toronto

  • Stephen BARRASS (Invited speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


    An invited seminar as a part of the Data Analytics and Visualisation (DAV) Graduate Program at University of York in Toronto.The CREATE DAV Graduate Training Program in Data Analytics & Visualization provides interdisciplinary training in both computational analytics and perceptual design methodologies for deriving value from big data for a broad range of industrial applications.The program is a multi-institution, multi-sector collaboration between York University (the lead institution), OCAD University, Concordia University and the University of Toronto, together with a number of leading Canadian high-tech companies in Toronto and Montreal focused on applications in cloud computing, digital cultures, health technology and smart cities.My presentation titled Perceptual Design and Big Data aims to introduce and explore sonification, haptics and 3D printing as ways to understand digital datasets.
    Period4 Nov 20168 Nov 2016
    Held atYork University Toronto, Canada
    Degree of RecognitionRegional