This project aimed to support evidence-based wellbeing education practice at Maribyrnong primary (N=45 staff, 520 students) over a 10-month period. At baseline, over one third of staff (34.4%) reported being unaware of existing personalised and project-based learning practices around health and wellbeing at Maribyrnong Primary, and 44% were unsure or had a low understanding. After the professional learning, over two-thirds of staff (65%-69) reported engaging ‘sometimes’, ‘always’, and ‘very often’ in the professional learning content for their personal wellbeing and professional practice. Staff were in favour of implementing more school-based preventative wellbeing measures if these were effectively resourced with staff time taken into account. Overarching wellbeing frameworks can help schools to better streamline and synthesise existing curriculum requirements and frameworks. However, concretising of pedagogy tailored to the school needs to be led and implemented by staff in situ with careful consideration of existing barriers and facilitators to facilitate meaningful change.Period | 12 Oct 2022 |
Event title | Affiliated Schools Program Annual Conference 2022: Seminar Series 2022 |
Event type | Conference |
Location | Canberra, Australia, Australian Capital TerritoryShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | Regional |
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Implementing personalised wellbeing learning at Maribyrnong Primary: A wellbeing pedagogy professional learning and action-research initiative
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation