International Conference on Auditory Display 2003

  • Stephen BARRASS (Keynote speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


    The annual ICAD conference is the premier forum for presenting research on the use of sound to display information. ICAD is unique in both its breadth (encompassing all aspects of how sound and audio can be used to enhance user interfaces, display data, or monitor systems) and depth (its singular focus on audio). ICAD 2003, like its predecessors, will be a single-track conference. We invite psychoacousticians, musicians, engineers, computer scientists, designers, and anyone else investigating any aspect of auditory display (including technologies and algorithms, auditory perception and human factors, applications, and more) to come and participate in an intense, exciting, interdisciplinary discussion.

    The conference will be held on the Boston University (BU) campus, which is located near the center of Boston with easy access to public transportation by the subway (known as the "T" in Boston) as well as buses. BU is across the Charles River (about 3/4 of a mile) from MIT in Cambridge, MA and is only a few miles from Harvard.

    We actively encourage student participation, particularly from Boston-area students engaged in research on hearing, human-computer interaction, and/or audio processing.
    Period6 Jul 2003
    Held atBoston University, United States
    Degree of RecognitionInternational