Jung was not only concerned about the dead in his personal material but also the seminal idea of ancestral inheritance. For him, this began with the ‘voices of the ‘Unanswered, Unresolved, and Unredeemed’ seeming to inhabit the psyche of successive generations. Such influences leave indentations, spaces, or even a mark, as Jung calls it, and often interfere with the destiny of future generations. This presentation will discuss what this dynamic lookjavascript:void(0);s like and how it plays out.
Dr. Stephani Stephens is a psychotherapist and a lecturer in counselling at the University of Canberra in Australia. She is the author of C. G. Jung and the Dead: Visions, Active Imagination, and the Unconscious Terrain (Routledge 2019).
The right of Stephani Stephens, Paul Attinello, Stefano Carpani and Bernhard von Guretzky to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright.