‘This changes everything!’? Australia and the post-pandemic world

  • Pia Rowe (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation


    Australian Studies Institute: Interdisciplinary Virtual Symposium

    Covid-19 has upended daily life with nations struggling to stop the spread of this deadly virus. The closure of factories, offices, cafes, schools, theatres, sportsgrounds and stores has thrown millions out of work and economies into a tailspin. With no effective treatment identified and a vaccine months or years away – if ever – governments grapple with conflicting priorities and concerns. There are no easy answers and the threat looms of a deep and long-lasting recession.

    The virus has changed so much – how we work, play, relate to one another, celebrate milestones, and mourn our dead. It has changed the basic rhythms and routines of life in 2020 and beyond. The virus has reconfigured so many things but has it changed everything? What about existing social divisions and inequalities? Where will the costs and burdens of covid-19 fall now and into the longer term? Will the virus affect other major issues, such as climate change? Will it alter the trajectory of global trends, such as the rise of populism and the alt-right, the retreat from globalisation, or the rise of China? Will we perceive the role and trustworthiness of scientists, politicians, doctors, social media, traditional media, unions and corporations differently? Will there be a travel and tourism industry? Which changes will endure? Which practises will revert to their pre-covid-19 status quo? In short, what does a post-covid-19 future look like?
    Period22 Oct 2020
    Held atAustralian National University, Australia, Australian Capital Territory