Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Negative News overload - Triple J Hack Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Triple J - ABC - Hack Media type Radio Country/Territory Australia Date 21/03/19 Description The news is always pretty grim, but these past few weeks seem particularly heavy - from sexual abuse in the catholic church being in the spotlight, to the second fatal Boeing 737 crash in six months, to last week's unthinkably tragic terror attack on Muslims in Christchurch.
Sometimes, the burden of gut-wrenching news coverage is so bad, it can make us forget about the good in the world.
While tragedies take up front pages and occupy our attention, it's inevitable that quietly profound things happening all around us slip by unnoticed.
As Caroline Fisher, media and communications expert at the University of Canberra, told us on Hack yesterday, it comes down to a foundational - albeit crude - saying in journalism: "If it bleeds, it leads."
Today we want to shed more light on the groundbreaking stories rather than the heartbreaking ones. Not because we want to naively sugarcoat a dark time, but because these stories get far less attention than they deserve.Producer/Author Tim Tilley Persons Caroline FISHER