Research on social media use in the Murray-Darling Basin

  • Matt Muskat


    Researchers believe social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook could be the best tools for Murray-Darling farmers to communicate with government and other agencies.

    Assistant professor in management Dr Matthias Muskat, one of the chief investigators on the project, says the use of new communication technologies could help the government better inform the community of their plans and for the community to share in the information.

    “We think that by identifying the factors that have become barriers to the communication between these groups, such as power relationships, a more fluid and effective communication can emerge,” he says.

    The project, which involves collaboration from researchers at the University of Canberra and James Cook University, will investigate drivers and obstacles for using social media between those involved in water reform and rural communities.

    Period19 Nov 2012

    Media contributions


    Media contributions

    • TitleSocial media ‘missing link’ for Murray-Darling Basin
      Degree of recognitionRegional
      Media name/
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionA NEW collaborative project led by a University of Canberra team of researchers will look at how different demographics use social media and whether it could lead to community change in the Murray-Darling Basin.
      PersonsMatt Muskat