Conference contribution

Search results

  • 2014

    Modelling for managing the complex issue of catchment-scale surface and groundwater allocation

    Jakeman, A., Kelly, R., Ticehurst, J., Blakers, R., Croke, B., Curtis, A., Fu, B., Sawah, S. E., Gardner, A., Guillaume, J., Hartley, M., Holley, C., Hutchings, P., Pannell, D., Ross, A., Sharp, E., Sinclair, D. & Wilson, A., 2014, Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications: International Conference, SIMULTECH 2012, Revised Selected Papers. Obaidat, M. S., Filipe, J., Kacprzyk, J. & Pina, N. (eds.). Cham, Germany: Springer, Vol. 256. p. 25-41 17 p. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; vol. 256).

    Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookConference contributionpeer-review

    5 Citations (Scopus)