The creation of Bradfield, a new city in Sydney’s Western Parklands, with a park at its centre provided the opportunity to envisage what an 21st Century Australian public landscape should be. Primary to our response was the necessity to embed the millenia of unbroken ancestral knowledge and culture of how to relate to and care for Country. This process was led by . Starting from Aboriginal knowledge and respect for Country reinforced the specificity of climate, of natural cycles and of a deep and holistic sustainability — all things a wise 21st century society must embrace.
The architecture of Bradfield Central Park is country-led, inseparable from its landscape, and has design and construction innovation at its core. With the clear aim to reveal and amplify the specifics of country, three unique spatial, material and experiential identities were established corresponding to three vertical strata: Undergound County, Ground Coutry and Sky Country.
In collaboration with Arcadia [Landscape Architecture], Bangawarra [Connecting with Country Spatial Design] consulatants and Hoyne [Place Visioning].
The AA Prize for Unbuilt Work seeks conceptually rigorous, inventive responses to contemporary architectural issues. Its purpose is to promote debate and to generate ideas about architecture by rewarding compelling work in its conceptual stages.