Project Details
The Play, Creativity and Wellbeing Project in the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra is an applied research project that critically examines the role and capability of play in adult cultural practice. It investigates sites of play to identify and explore those elements of play that elicit forms of creative and collaborative engagement, and to examine the impact of these elements on players and their environments.
The Play, Creativity and Wellbeing Project aims to examine Canberra as a site of play, and to work with local individuals and institutions to make Canberra a more 'playful' city.
The Play, Creativity and Wellbeing Project established the Play Activation Network in October 2017 to bring together people (and organisations) interested in play across the lifespan. The Play Activation Network is a collective of people from diverse sectors and fields in Canberra – including the creative, cultural, educational, health, design, planning and environmental fields –
who collaborate to make Canberra a more vibrant, positive and inclusive place to live in. (See Appendix 1 for a list of current members and associated organisations)
The Play Activation Network aims to
a) Enable and support play in its many forms;
b) Promote life-long play for citizens of the ACT and regions;
c) Increase knowledge of the role of play across the lifespan, and as a form of cultural and environmental practice;
d) Foster a culture of positive collaboration, partnerships and cross-disciplinary practice.
To achieve these aims, the Network involves itself in the following roles:
a) Activation
b) Research
c) Advocacy
d) Collaboration
e) Promotion
The Alinga Street Bridge Exhibition Series
The Alinga Street Bridge Exhibition Series is a play-themed series of installations (the title of the exhibition is currently under development) to be co-curated by Art Not Apart and the Play Activation Network, as part of an applied research project managed by the Play Creativity and Wellbeing Project, Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra. We are seeking funding for the installations, research and project management from the City Activation team in the City Renewal Authority, ACT Government.
The aim of this project is:
• to enliven an under-activated zone in Canberra city with five art installations on the Alinga Street Bridge
• to develop and implement
(a) “An Impact Study of Art Installations on the Local Community and Environment”
(b) An Evaluative Report for the funding body (City Renewal Authority) and the Play Activation Network (NTRO)
• to fulfil the aims of the Play Activation Network
Phase 1: Peak Stuff
Peak Stuff (see above ) is an art installation proposed by Enlighten, Art Not Apart and the Play Activation Network for the City Renewal Authority’s 2018 initiative: Enlighten in the city.
Peak Stuff was approved for $29,950 (100% artist fee). Peak Stuff will launch on the opening night of Enlighten, March 2, and remain on the bridge for 5-6 weeks.
The City Renewal Authority has agreed to contract the University of Canberra for this project, and for the University of Canberra to sub-contract the artist. GAS Art Studio has agreed to be sub-contracted by the University of Canberra.
The Play, Creativity and Wellbeing Project will develop a pilot impact study and evaluative research framework as part of its research into the role and impact of play as a form of cultural practice across the lifespan.
Art Not Apart will provide assistance with compliance, promotion and accommodation for the artists in exchange for inclusion of the art work in the Art Not Apart program.
Enlighten will include the art work in its program.
Phase 2 – Play Exhibition Series
Art Not Apart and Play Activation Network propose to present 4 discrete local art installations on the Alinga Street Bridge from May – December 2018. Each installation will remain on display for approximately 2 months (dependent on installation requirements).
The four installations will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
1. They are playful: the works embody and evoke the theme of play
2. They are local: the works are produced by local artists/designers.
3. They are enriching: they have aesthetic appeal and enhance the surrounding environment;
4. They are distinctive: each provides a distinct aesthetic and material experience – whether it relates to scale, aesthetics, or use of materials. Together they should create a diverse exhibition.
5. They are responsive: the works make some use of the unique features and location of the Bridge
Phase 2 Budget
The quote for each artwork includes:
• Installation
• Deinstallation
• Relevant insurances
4 installations @ approximately 8,000 each $36,000
Project management (Art Not Apart) $3,000
Research and administration (University of Canberra) $6,000
TOTAL $45,000
Strategic Benefits of Phase 1: Peak Stuff for University of Canberra
While the University of Canberra does not receive direct income from the Peak Stuff project, there are multiple strategic benefits:
1. Reportable Category 2 Research Income ($29,950)
2. Output that provides evidence for a subsequent Linkage grant
3. Strategic Relationship building
The Peak Stuff project enables strategic relationship building with:
• The City Renewal Authority – Canberra’s key urban activation funding body
• Enlighten and Art Not Apart – two of Canberra’s key events organisers
• GAS Studio, an up and coming art studio with multiple high impact exhibitions (see Appendix B) and a creative interest in adult play
4. Fulfilling the aims of the Play Activation Network
The Play Activation Network was established in mid-October 2017. This high impact installation will be the first activation for the Network. What this installation demonstrates to its 45 members, who represent multiple organisations in Canberra (see Appendix C), is that the Network is pro-active, influential and with strong outcomes capability. This will prompt other members to develop collaborative proposals with funding and impact potential for the University.
4. UC’s arts project capability
Peak Stuff demonstrates that UC has the capability to obtain funding for arts projects, and the agility to manage these projects.
Alignment with CRA Objectives
The current ACT Government ‘Statement of Expectations’ for the City Renewal Authority requires that the CRA:
“actively contribute to the liveability and vitality of the City Centre through:
• the planning and delivery of a diverse range of events, capital works upgrades, public realm and amenity improvements and stakeholder partnerships, including:
o testing and trialling public space through events and interventions;
o partnering with local event providers and businesses;
o testing regulatory barriers to events and innovation;
o leading the market by demonstrating event styles and locations;
o facilitating events and activities in public spaces, including laneways;
The proposed exhibition series on the Alinga Street Bridge provides the City Renewal Authority with the opportunity to meet each of these criteria in significant and demonstrable ways.
The Play, Creativity and Wellbeing Project in the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra is an applied research project that critically examines the role and capability of play in adult cultural practice. It investigates sites of play to identify and explore those elements of play that elicit forms of creative and collaborative engagement, and to examine the impact of these elements on players and their environments.
The Play, Creativity and Wellbeing Project aims to examine Canberra as a site of play, and to work with local individuals and institutions to make Canberra a more 'playful' city.
The Play, Creativity and Wellbeing Project established the Play Activation Network in October 2017 to bring together people (and organisations) interested in play across the lifespan. The Play Activation Network is a collective of people from diverse sectors and fields in Canberra – including the creative, cultural, educational, health, design, planning and environmental fields –
who collaborate to make Canberra a more vibrant, positive and inclusive place to live in. (See Appendix 1 for a list of current members and associated organisations)
The Play Activation Network aims to
a) Enable and support play in its many forms;
b) Promote life-long play for citizens of the ACT and regions;
c) Increase knowledge of the role of play across the lifespan, and as a form of cultural and environmental practice;
d) Foster a culture of positive collaboration, partnerships and cross-disciplinary practice.
To achieve these aims, the Network involves itself in the following roles:
a) Activation
b) Research
c) Advocacy
d) Collaboration
e) Promotion
The Alinga Street Bridge Exhibition Series
The Alinga Street Bridge Exhibition Series is a play-themed series of installations (the title of the exhibition is currently under development) to be co-curated by Art Not Apart and the Play Activation Network, as part of an applied research project managed by the Play Creativity and Wellbeing Project, Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra. We are seeking funding for the installations, research and project management from the City Activation team in the City Renewal Authority, ACT Government.
The aim of this project is:
• to enliven an under-activated zone in Canberra city with five art installations on the Alinga Street Bridge
• to develop and implement
(a) “An Impact Study of Art Installations on the Local Community and Environment”
(b) An Evaluative Report for the funding body (City Renewal Authority) and the Play Activation Network (NTRO)
• to fulfil the aims of the Play Activation Network
Phase 1: Peak Stuff
Peak Stuff (see above ) is an art installation proposed by Enlighten, Art Not Apart and the Play Activation Network for the City Renewal Authority’s 2018 initiative: Enlighten in the city.
Peak Stuff was approved for $29,950 (100% artist fee). Peak Stuff will launch on the opening night of Enlighten, March 2, and remain on the bridge for 5-6 weeks.
The City Renewal Authority has agreed to contract the University of Canberra for this project, and for the University of Canberra to sub-contract the artist. GAS Art Studio has agreed to be sub-contracted by the University of Canberra.
The Play, Creativity and Wellbeing Project will develop a pilot impact study and evaluative research framework as part of its research into the role and impact of play as a form of cultural practice across the lifespan.
Art Not Apart will provide assistance with compliance, promotion and accommodation for the artists in exchange for inclusion of the art work in the Art Not Apart program.
Enlighten will include the art work in its program.
Phase 2 – Play Exhibition Series
Art Not Apart and Play Activation Network propose to present 4 discrete local art installations on the Alinga Street Bridge from May – December 2018. Each installation will remain on display for approximately 2 months (dependent on installation requirements).
The four installations will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
1. They are playful: the works embody and evoke the theme of play
2. They are local: the works are produced by local artists/designers.
3. They are enriching: they have aesthetic appeal and enhance the surrounding environment;
4. They are distinctive: each provides a distinct aesthetic and material experience – whether it relates to scale, aesthetics, or use of materials. Together they should create a diverse exhibition.
5. They are responsive: the works make some use of the unique features and location of the Bridge
Phase 2 Budget
The quote for each artwork includes:
• Installation
• Deinstallation
• Relevant insurances
4 installations @ approximately 8,000 each $36,000
Project management (Art Not Apart) $3,000
Research and administration (University of Canberra) $6,000
TOTAL $45,000
Strategic Benefits of Phase 1: Peak Stuff for University of Canberra
While the University of Canberra does not receive direct income from the Peak Stuff project, there are multiple strategic benefits:
1. Reportable Category 2 Research Income ($29,950)
2. Output that provides evidence for a subsequent Linkage grant
3. Strategic Relationship building
The Peak Stuff project enables strategic relationship building with:
• The City Renewal Authority – Canberra’s key urban activation funding body
• Enlighten and Art Not Apart – two of Canberra’s key events organisers
• GAS Studio, an up and coming art studio with multiple high impact exhibitions (see Appendix B) and a creative interest in adult play
4. Fulfilling the aims of the Play Activation Network
The Play Activation Network was established in mid-October 2017. This high impact installation will be the first activation for the Network. What this installation demonstrates to its 45 members, who represent multiple organisations in Canberra (see Appendix C), is that the Network is pro-active, influential and with strong outcomes capability. This will prompt other members to develop collaborative proposals with funding and impact potential for the University.
4. UC’s arts project capability
Peak Stuff demonstrates that UC has the capability to obtain funding for arts projects, and the agility to manage these projects.
Alignment with CRA Objectives
The current ACT Government ‘Statement of Expectations’ for the City Renewal Authority requires that the CRA:
“actively contribute to the liveability and vitality of the City Centre through:
• the planning and delivery of a diverse range of events, capital works upgrades, public realm and amenity improvements and stakeholder partnerships, including:
o testing and trialling public space through events and interventions;
o partnering with local event providers and businesses;
o testing regulatory barriers to events and innovation;
o leading the market by demonstrating event styles and locations;
o facilitating events and activities in public spaces, including laneways;
The proposed exhibition series on the Alinga Street Bridge provides the City Renewal Authority with the opportunity to meet each of these criteria in significant and demonstrable ways.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/02/18 → 6/05/18 |
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