ASRP - Investigating the implementation of an authentically Australian, ‘both-ways’ education: Creating and enacting a Country as Teacher curriculum framework and pedagogy in ACT schools

Project: Research

Project Details


The aims of this project are to evaluate a school-based, collaborative approach to co-creating and implementing a Country as Teacher (Karulkiyalu Country et al, 2020; Wilson & Spillman, 2021) pedagogical framework (that sits alongside and interacts with the Australian curriculum, but is not subsumed by it) to specifically evaluate:

• Teacher’s personal experiences of cultivating a practice of ‘relating with Country’
• School-based, collaborative development of CaT pedagogical framework and translation into daily curriculum and T & L time
• Impacts on students – academic & wellness (belonging, engagement, voice)
• Impacts in broader school community

This work is an extension of the former Affiliated Schools research project, "Building Cultural Integrity with Country as Teacher" and as such uses much of the same literature in its construction.
Effective start/end date5/04/2331/12/24


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