Clinical Chair in Midwifery (for Prof Deborah Davis)

Project: Research

Project Details


The Professor of Midwifery and Clinical Chair between UC and ACT Health is a foundation position between the two organizations that commenced in January 2011. The major focus of the Clinical Chair in Midwifery is to establish a strong research culture by promoting and supporting collaborative research in the region and to develop clinical and professional practice between the Nursing and Midwifery Disciplines at the University of Canberra and ACT Health. The role of the Clinical Chair includes research, teaching, and administrative work within the two organizations. This includes but is not limited to, developing and reviewing external grant applications, higher degree research supervision, teaching higher degree research students and participating in postgraduate nursing and midwifery research residential schools. (from research justification provided to DVC-R)
Short titleClinical Chair in Midwifery (for Prof Deborah Davi
Effective start/end date27/01/1131/12/20


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