Defence ARRTS 21-23

Project: Research

Project Details


The project concerns an RFQ by the Department of Defence Joint Health Command for a range of services including creative mentoring, and a Canberra base for the Arts for Recovery Resilience Teamwork and Skills program. As with the UC involvement in previous ARRTS programs, the research component of the project uses an Applied Arts Action Based Research methodology to study effectiveness of the programof creativity and wellbeing. This RFQ concerns three more ARRTS programs and will provide an opportunity to study the role of creative mentoring in arts and mental health programs as well as continue publications and impact in the subject areas already producing results.
A symposium is planned for 2021 arising out of this project, and in addition to journal articles, an edited book is proposed for 2022. We will also seek additional funding to produce a biennial edited volume of veteran’s creative work.
Short titleArrts 21-23
AcronymDA 21 -23
Effective start/end date1/07/2131/12/22


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