Emotions and Employee Turnover: New Methods for Complex Dynamic Systems

  • Zyphur, Michael (CoI)
  • LI, Jinjing (CI)
  • Sugihara, George (CoI)

Project: Research

Project Details


This project aims to vastly improve the data-analytic capabilities of social and health researchers, while increasing knowledge about emotion dynamics and their link to employee turnover. By drawing on and advancing methods from ecology and applied physics, this project plans to investigate the role that individual emotions play in employee turnover with new quantitative methods for characterising and testing causality in complex dynamic systems. The expected outcomes include an improved capacity for researchers, managers, and policy makers to understand complex organisational, economic, and health systems. This will provide immediate societal benefits by informing the development and deployment of targeted interventions in such systems.
Effective start/end date1/01/2027/05/24


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