Evaluating the delivery of the Active Early Learning (AEL) physical literacy program to remote early learning centres.

Project: Research

Project Details


This study will examine the acceptability of early childhood educators to use the 'Project Approach' to develop children's physical literacy in regional and remote early learning centres in Queensland, Australia. The Project Approach is an established teaching method, appropriate for preschool age children, which involves an in-depth exploration of a topic and can involve an individual, a group of children, or the whole class. The approach promotes children’s active participation in the planning, development, and assessment of their own work as they explore selected aspects of their experience and environment. Early childhood educators from 8 early learning centres will be supported by a coach/mentor to incorporate physical literacy themed projects into their curricula. The themed projects will include Active Early Learning (www.aelproject.com.au) program activities and games which have previously been demonstrated by our UC research team to increase children's physical activity, gross and fine motor skill, and the executive functions of inhibition and attention shifting. The acceptability of educators to work with a remotely located coach/mentor to implement the physical literacy projects will be examined over a 6-month period. This study is a collaboration between the University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise, Litivity and Lady Gowrie early learning centres.
Effective start/end date15/12/2131/07/22


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