Missing Middle Women (Women’s Centre for Health Matters)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project will focus on extracting data at the small area level focusing on women who are not in low income households but are vulnerable for financial hardship. In particular, this project will focus on extracting data on women living with household income in a range between AUD $ 52K-100K per year (according to the definition of “missing middle” women). Further, the project will also focus on the gender breakdown of the indicators of disadvantage included in the ACTCOSS-NATSEM "Hidden Disadvantage" report.

    The data will then be used to write two research reports, (1) on Missing Middle Women report in the ACT and (2) Gender and Hidden Disadvantage in the ACT. WCHM will lead the writing part of the research report but we will be involved in providing feedback to them and co-authoring the reports.
    Effective start/end date1/02/1830/08/18


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