Modelling the Economics of the Australian HealthCare System for Policy Analysis-via Monash

  • Harding, Ann (CI)
  • Harris, Anthony W.F. (CoI)
  • Dixon, Peter (CoI)
  • Richardson, Jeffrey (CoI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The program will build a suite of economic models capable of providing timely relevant analysis of almost any major health policy option or issue, providing expertise in govenment and academia to use the kind of sophisticated quantitative tools of analysis common in sectors of the economy of an equivalent size to health. Through a PhD and postdoctoral program, it will increase capacity in quantitative health economics in Australia to answer key questions in health services, health promotion and illness prevention, developed with partners in government, clinicians and industry.
    Short titleModelling the Economics of the Australian HealthCa
    Effective start/end date21/01/0520/01/10