Performance, profiling and tapering in elite female swimmers

  • PYNE, David (CI)
  • ENGEL, Alexander (CoI)
  • McGibbon, Katie (CoI)
  • Jenkins, David (CoI)

Project: Research

Project Details


This is a high priority issue for both the QAS and SA leading up to the Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This work would focus on the prescription and programming of swimming training for female athletes prior to major national and international competitions – the all-important taper period. Both able-bodied swimmers (potential 2024 and 2028 Olympic swimmers) and swimmers with a disability (potential 2024 and 2028 Paralympic swimmers) will be included.

Research will address the interpretability and practical application of sports science support particularly automated analyses of training load data. The project would be cross-disciplinary in nature including the areas of sports performance, physiology, performance analysis, coaching science, athlete health, and data analytics. The outcomes will inform current and future tapering practices prescribed by swimming coaches, with particular reference to optimisation for female swimmers. The work will extend research activities in this area by the research investigators (collectively and individually) that has typically involved male rather than female participants (swimmers).
Effective start/end date1/02/231/02/26


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