Research for National consultation on the new Global Covenant of Mayors framework for local government climate action in Australia

  • NORMAN, Barbara (CI)
  • MUMMERY, Jo (CoI)
  • Alexandra, Jason (CoI)
  • Gilmour , Colette (RA)
  • FLANNERY, David (PC)

Project: Research

Project Details


The project ‘National consultation on the new Global Covenant of Mayors framework for local government climate action in Australia’ carried out by ICLEI Oceania will support Australia’s effort to further reduce its emissions and to better adapt to climate change at city and local level. Climate and clean energy action at city level in Australia is not mentioned in Australia’s NDC, but local action is ambitious and gaining momentum. There is as yet no encompassing pan-Australian framework to link these initiatives to the international climate action framework or to compile/measure what the common effort from Australian cities can contribute. The project will research leading practice in local government in Australia and internationally, the relevance of international experience to Australia and factors of policy/program success in implementing climate action.
Effective start/end date1/03/1930/06/19


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