The efficacy of a topical traditional Chinese medicine formulation Cheong Kun Oil for reducing delayed onset muscle soreness in well trained individuals.

Project: Research

Project Details


This project will evaluate the efficacy of a traditional Chinese medicine Cheong Kun Oil for reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), the muscular pain and discomfort commonly experienced after a bout of unaccustomed exercise or activity. Cheong Kun Oil is a topical preparation which has been marketed in Macau since the 1960’s for its beneficial effects on muscle pain due to exercise, strains and injuries. This study will scientifically investigate the efficacy of Cheong Kun Oil for reducing DOMS in the thigh muscles after eccentric exercise (exercise where the muscle is lengthened) in healthy, young, well trained males.
Short titlehe efficacy of a topical traditional Chinese medicine formulation Cheong Kun Oil for reducing DOMS
Effective start/end date15/05/1926/06/20


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