3D Reconstruction from multi-view images of a Christmas Beetle

Beth Chapman, Chuong Nguyen, Matt Adcock, David Lovell, Eleanor Gatesstuart, Thomas Weir, John La Salle

Research output: Non-textual formData set/Database


A 3D reconstruction of a Christmas Beetle [Anoplognathus viridiaeneus] generated from an optical scanning rig. The Christmas Beetle model was reconstructed from 144 images of 18MP each. Number of vertices is 126,620; and number of faces is 253236. The dimension of the 3D model is in mm and the physical length of the original specimen is approximately 26mm. This collection contains 4 files:
* A PNG thumbnail of the model
* An X3D file containing the model
* A PLY file containing the model
* A JPG texture for the model
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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