A conceptual framework for internet child abuse material offenders: risk-relevant therapy based on assessed risk factors

Catherine Garrington, Sally Kelty, Debra Rickwood, Douglas Boer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Offenders who commit sexual offences against children are progressively recognised, prosecuted, assessed and treated. As technology advances, internet child sexual abuse material (I/CAM) offences increase in pertinence to forensic assessment and treatment. A new proposal in I/CAM therapeutics, the Estimated Risk of Internet Child Sexual Offending (ERICSO) is a framework for individualised, risk-relevant treatment formulation based on identified risk factors. An international scoping review of I/CAM treatment programmes was conducted prior to elucidating our proposed treatment model for I/CAM offenders. Combining risk-relevant and compassionate therapies, we propose a treatment framework based on the risk–needs–responsivity model and relevant factors, recognising diversity of I/CAM offenders. Incorporating proven constructs in offender assessment and treatment with specific application to the I/CAM offender cohort, the ERICSO assists professionals to formulate risk-relevant, individual therapy and set meaningful goals. The delivery of compassionate therapeutic interventions to I/CAM offenders will improve rehabilitative outcomes and community protection.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-17
Number of pages17
JournalPsychiatry, Psychology and Law
Publication statusPublished - 24 Sept 2023


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