A Food Service Evaluation of Meals Provided to Haemodialysis Outpatients at a Satellite and In-Centre Dialysis Unit

Sarah Hale, Titus Lam, Rachel BACON, Ann-Maree Randall

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Posterpeer-review


Malnutrition is common in haemodialysis (HD) patients. HD patients require a high energy and protein, and low sodium, potassium and phosphate diet. This project aimed to evaluate the food service for outpatients during HD sessions, as intra‐dialysis meals have been shown to have the potential to improve nutritional status. A nutrient composition analysis, wastage audit and cost analysis were completed on all meal items currently offered at one in‐centre and one satellite site, and compared with the food service of several other satellite sites. Results showed most current sandwich varieties meet the energy and protein requirements, and are low in potassium and phosphate. However, the ham sandwich exceeded the sodium limit. Nutrient and cost analysis confirmed there are other more nutritious varieties of sandwich that are feasible for the food service system of these sites to provide. Nutrient analysis also revealed the sweet biscuit, yoghurt and apple juice were not ideal snacks, due to high sodium, potassium and phosphate content. Wastage audits revealed the yoghurt and apple juice sandwich pack provided at the in‐centre unit had high amounts of wastage. Feedback from patients indicated more sandwich variety is desired. It was recommended ham sandwiches be ceased, with a more varied sandwich menu implemented at both sites, healthier snack options be provided to better align with HD diet requirements, and the sandwich pack ceased to reduce wastage. These changes will support the nutrition education provided by the dietitian and optimise the nutritional status of HD patients
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event34th National Conference Dietitians Association of Australia: Cultivating Fresh Evidence - Hobart, Hobart, Australia
Duration: 18 May 201720 May 2017


Conference34th National Conference Dietitians Association of Australia


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