A mobile learning framework for higher education in resource constrained environments

Safiya Okai-Ugbaje, Kathie Ardzejewska, Ahmed Imran

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It is well documented that learning oppourtunities aforded by mobile technology
(m-learning) holds great potential to enhance technology-enhanced learning in
countries and communities with low socio-economic conditions where web-based e-learning has failed because of limited infrastructure and resources. Despite the potential for m-learning, its actual uptake has been low. The extant literature in this sphere provides some theoretical insight, with evidence of limited on-the-ground practical studies that often do not progress beyond the pilot phase. Failure to embed sustainable learning opportunities has been attributed to the absence of a contextual framework suitable for the heterogeneous nature of many developing countries. This paper thus presents an m-learning framework that considers the sociocultural and socio-economic contexts of low-income economies. The framework is based on a range of studies conducted over four years, including the outcome of two empirical
studies conducted in a Nigerian university. Documenting the research underpinning the design provides practitioners and policymakers with a framework for a potentially sustainable strategy for long-term mainstream m-learning integration in higher education in low-income countries.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11947-11969
Number of pages23
JournalEducation and Information Technologies
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022


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