A study on the one-way flow model of television programs focusing on the relative market size and the cultural discount

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the asymmetry and double barriers of television program flow among countries with different economical rationality of cultural product distribution and relative market sizes. The theoretical framework used here is a one - way flow model of cultural goods, which is the principle of natural product barriers such as cultural discounts and cultural discounts in countries with relatively large market sizes. As expected, the correlation between the relative market sizes of the exporting and importing program producers in Korea showed a positive relationship, and the patterns of program influx due to the relative differences with the US were also unidirectional. In case of video materials distributed through several windows, the characteristics of each window were different. In particular, since broadcasts have a dual market structure called advertising and municipal governments, overseas program revenues are reinvested in the domestic program market. At present, terrestrial and cable broadcasting in Korea is organizing a small amount of foreign programs far below the quota of overseas ones, and overseas exports are continuously increasing, but they will be changed in the future due to the principle of one-way flow model
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)113-151
    Number of pages39
    JournalJournal of Cybercommunication Academic Society
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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