A Virtual Rehabilitation System for Wobble Board Balance Training with Children

Diarmaid Fitzgerald, Nanthana Trakarnratanakul, Luke Conroy, Paddy Nixon, Brian Caulfield

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Abstractpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Virtual reality-based computer games may be a useful way to develop motor skills and increase activity levels in children. We have developed an interactive computer platform where users must tilt a wobble board to complete on-screen computer game tasks. We have conducted a pilot study with 81 school children who played the game and used a questionnaire to gather information on children's enjoyment levels and perceptions of the system. Findings showed a high level of enjoyment with the game and provided useful information for future research and development.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation 2008 - Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 25 Aug 200827 Aug 2008


ConferenceInternational Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation 2008
Abbreviated titleIWVR 2008


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