ACT Little Eagle migrates to Daly Waters

Jerry Olsen, Susan Trost

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ACT Little Eagle migrates to Daly Waters (NT) In previous publications, for example Olsen et al. (2008, 2009), we proposed radio-tagging Little Eagles Hieraaetus morphnoides in the ACT because home ranges recognised by planners and government agencies were much too small. The first Little Eagle we radio-tagged was a juvenile male. The area of his home range increased in size progressively over the 12 weeks of the post-fledging period, from 0.001 km2 minimum convex polygon (MCP) in Week 1 after fledging, to 3.085 km2 MCP in Week 12 after fledging, just before he dispersed from the natal area. The juvenile gradually moved his night roosts from 140 m away from the nest in Week 1 to 900 m from the nest in Week 12 (Olsen et al. 2015 and in press).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Specialist publicationJournal of the Australasian Raptor Association
PublisherBirdLife Australia, Ltd.
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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