Adherence to Mediterranean diet rather than olive oil consumption is a predictor against hypercholesterolaemia in elderly: the MEDIS study

Ekavi GEORGOUSOPOULOU, Nenad NAUMOVSKI, Duane MELLOR, Suzanne Piscopo, Giuseppe Valacchi, Stefanos Tyrovolas, Vassiliki Bountziouka, Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, Josep Antoni Tur, Evangelos Polychronopoulos

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Background/Aims: This analysis aimed to compare the role of olive oil consumption with that of Mediterranean diet on their diagnostic value for the presence of hypercholesterolemia. Methods: Mediterranean islands study (MEDIS) recruited 2749 older (over 65 years of age) individuals between 2005-2015. Recruitment occurred from 21 Mediterranean islands and the rural Mani region (Peloponnesus) of Greece. Dietary habits, energy intake, physical activity status, socio-demographic characteristics (altitude in residing area, lifestyle parameters) and clinical profile aspects (including blood lipids) were measured. The level of adherence to Mediterranean diet was assessed using the a-priori index MedDietScore and olive oil consumption was assessed with a validated FFQ. The diagnostic value of the food data was assessed using the AUC for the presence of hypercholesterolemia. The p value for the comparison of AUC with 0.5 was performed with Likelihood Ratio test. Results: From diagnostic value of the presence of Hypercholesterolemia, MedDietScore was the only significant diagnostic tool (AUC = 0.547; p = 0.001), but neither the number of olive oil servings per week (AUC = 0.476; p = 0.096), nor the mean calories consumed from of olive oil daily (AUC = 0.492; p = 0.560) were effective diagnostic tools for the presence of Hypercholesterolemia Conclusions: The overall pattern of Mediterranean diet and not individual foods or food-groups, could be responsible for the protection against CVD risk factors. Funding source(s): Hellenic Heart Foundation, Harokopio University in Athens, Foundation for Education and European Culture (IPEP)
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)117-117
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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