An implementation of tangible interactive mapping to improve adult learning for preparing for bushfire

Mark Brown, Winyu Chinthammit, PA Nixon

    Research output: Textual Creative WorksOther contribution

    2 Citations (Scopus)


    Our tangible touch table interface mapping system was designed for adults to complete short map-based interactive problem solving tasks using purpose-designed model objects. The table interface was compared with the closest existing traditionally equivalent method using a within subjects exercise of 64 adult members of the general public in-situ at the local library and museum. The hypothesis investigated whether "a tangible multitouch table interface improved understanding of preparing for bushfire using map-based constructivist learning tasks". The system design and content founded upon adult learning preferences (Knowles et al. 2005) further evolved using an iterative process by participatory involvement with three bushfire community groups. After using the preparing for bushfire tangible interactive mapping system all of the participants improved upon their pre-test scores indicating that they learned from the experience (t(31)=-9.08,p<0.001).

    Original languageEnglish
    Typeradio podcast
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Electronic)9781450336734
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

    Publication series

    NameOzCHI 2015: Being Human - Conference Proceedings


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