Applications of salivary biomarker measures in sport science

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookConference contribution


Saliva testing is a relatively new methodology that sport scientists can use to accurately and effectively measure and monitor athlete biomarkers that represent their health status, physiological and psychological state relating to training, competition and other environmental stressors. Saliva samples are easy to take and the method is non-invasive with sport scientists able to take saliva samples anywhere from individuals of all ages in the laboratory or the field (1, 2). The non-invasiveness of saliva collection and analysis is a crucial advantage over blood-derived biomarker measures and ensures compliance in athletes (3). Research has shown that saliva testing is preferred to blood sampling, and is considered most convenient and more comfortable compared to blood and urine (4). Therefore, saliva biomarker profiling is finding its place as a useful tool in talent identification, athlete development and high performance programmes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication13th Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress Proceedings
Place of PublicationItaly
Number of pages3
ISBN (Print)9788875876913
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event13th Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress -
Duration: 25 Sept 201328 Sept 2013
Conference number: 13


Conference13th Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress
Abbreviated titleAFSM


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