Applied Population and Community Ecology: The Case of Feral Pigs in Australia

Research output: Book/ReportBook


A scientific study of any wildlife species that occurs over many years or decades inevitably creates a published literature that is scattered around the world. Such a dispersed literature is good for dissemination of results but hard to find or follow for scientists not involved in the original study. Studies of feral pigs and birds in the Australian high country have been published in many journals and books, and some data remains unpublished. The aim of this book is to bring such scattered literature together into one place, and to discuss the results in the context of the wider scientific discipline of applied ecology. New data will also be analysed and published. My study in Namadgi National Park has been supported by the University of Canberra in many ways and the university is thanked for that support. Initially there was also support from the Australian National University. Field work was assisted by support from the manager and staff of Namadgi National Park. I thank Alan Crowden for discussions and Anne Milligan, Charles Krebs, Don Fletcher, Nick Dexter and Peter Caley for useful comments on draft chapters. Don Fletcher and Nicola Webb are thanked for discussions and data. Discussions with John Parkes and Mary Bomford assisted with the development of ideas on pest eradication. Glen Saunders assisted with references. Astrida Upitis assisted in many ways, from field work to discussions. The Australian high country is a special place and decades of research therein were both productive and enjoyable.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUK
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons
Number of pages200
ISBN (Print)9780470658642, 0470658649
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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