Assessing Students' Attitues Toward Forensic Science: Collecting an Expert Consensus

Rhianna Horton, Tamsin KELLY, Claire Lenehan, Chris LENNARD, Simon Lewis, Kieran Lim, Claude Roux, Daniel Southam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We report the development of an affective domain instrument for the assessment of undergraduate students’ attitudes toward forensic science. Assessment of attitudes of the respondents is important to understand mediating factors in student motivation and ultimately success in the discipline. The instrument was developed using an iterative process based on responses from an expert panel of Australian forensic science educators to an array of forensic science and teaching related topics, and refined using further feedback from the panel on more specific items. The layout of the instrument, with regard to both the wording and placement of items, was developed with regular test takers (i.e., students) in mind and through the application of basic psychometric principles. The engagement of forensic science colleagues across Australia has resulted in an outcome that could provide a source of credible and relevant evidence of student attitudes toward forensic science
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)180-188
Number of pages9
JournalForensic Science Policy management
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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