Basin-scale evaluation of 2019–20 Commonwealth environmental water : Food Webs and Water Quality. Flow-MER Program. Commonwealth Environmental Water Office (CEWO) : Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Australia

Darren Ryder, P.J. McInerney, Darren Giling, James Hitchcock

Research output: Book/ReportReports

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Water delivery and outcomes data provided by CEWO is used in conjunction with monitoring data provided by the 7 Selected Areas and other publicly available data to undertake the Basin-scale evaluation. The research and evaluation content is structured into 6 disciplinary themes. Technical reports for each of the 6 themes are available from the CEWO website. The evaluation aims to address theme specific questions in relation to how Commonwealth environmental water contributed to, supported, or influenced environmental outcomes. Commonwealth environmental water is often delivered in conjunction with other environmental water holdings, and non-environmental water releases (such as for irrigation or during high-flow events). The evaluation consequently draws on available information to estimate (where possible) the specific contribution of Commonwealth environmental water to particular environmental outcomes
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherAustralian Government Commonwealth Environmental Water Office
Number of pages86
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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