Blended Learning in a Converged Model of University Transformation

David Gibson, Tania Broadley, Jill Downie

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapterpeer-review

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The implementation of blended learning requires a major shift in teaching practice and propagates implications across many core services of a university, namely the content, learning interactions, assessment, credentialing, student support, and technology. This shift requires the role of the instructor and student to be redefined and responsibility of learning is renegotiated. The impact of blended learning implementation across the system as a whole can be viewed as integral to and inseparable from other key drivers of a vision of the future university. This presentation describes how student support and blended learning are empowered by a university-wide ecosystem for the transformation of teaching and learning, known as Curtin Converged, which has been implemented in the largest university in Western Australia. The narrative will describe the four principles of the model and illustrate how these are embedded in an ecosystem of policies and practices, how they support blended learning and the student experience. A particular focus on student support is used as a case profile of the application of the converged model in the context of whole-of-institution change.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBlended learning for quality higher education
Subtitle of host publicationselected case studies on implementation from Asia-Pacific
EditorsCher Ping Lim, Libing Wang
Place of PublicationThailand
Number of pages29
ISBN (Print)9789292235642
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Externally publishedYes


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