Borrowing money isn’t always a bad thing – debt can be a sensible way to build wealth

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Debt, in some form or another, is part of our financial profiles whether we like it or not. And it can be a useful way to build wealth if it is managed carefully and wisely.

For example, you may borrow money from the bank to buy an asset – a resource of economic value that generates income from its productive use. Investment property is an example.

So investing in an income-producing property can be a good idea.

If you are already in the property market, the home equity you’ve accumulated – the share of the property value that’s yours – can help you buy a second property. This time, you may not need a deposit as big as the initial investment.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Specialist publicationThe Conversation
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jan 2023


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