Brazilian Portuguese version of questionnaires assessing evidence-based practice competencies in healthcare students: Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and measurement properties

Guilherme S. Nunes, Diênifer Zilmer Rodrigues, Maria Ruzafa-Martinez, Penney Upton, Clarissa Medeiros da Luz, Fernanda Romaguera, Anna Julia M. Dangui, Bruna Wageck

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Background: While several instruments assess evidence-based practice (EBP) competencies, few are available for the Brazilian population, particularly healthcare students. Objective: To perform a cross-cultural translation of the Student Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire (S-EBPQ) and Evidence-Based Practice Evaluation Competence Questionnaire (EBP-COQ) into Brazilian Portuguese; to adapt and validate the Brazilian Portuguese versions for use with healthcare students from diverse courses; and to assess the measurement properties of the translated and adapted versions. Methods: Four hundred forty-two healthcare students were included, and three versions were tested: S-EBPQ-BR, EBP-COQ-BR for nursing students, and EBP-COQ-BR for healthcare students. We assessed internal consistency, reliability, construct validity, responsiveness, and ceiling/floor effects. For reliability, participants completed the questionnaires twice, one week apart. For responsiveness, they completed them after participating in an educational program. Results: No issues were identified with understanding or applicability. For overall scores, the translated questionnaires demonstrated strong internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.87-0.92), good to moderate reliability (ICC3,1=0.63-0.88), construct validity with moderate to very strong correlations to the Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire (r=0.43-0.89), no ceiling or floor effects, and adequate responsiveness with significant pre- and post-educational program score differences. For subscales, the majority of them demonstrated satisfactory measurement properties, except for S-EBPQ-BR attitude (low internal consistency, poor reliability, and ceiling effect), EBP-COQ attitude (inadequate construct validity), and EBP-COQ skills (inadequate construct validity). Conclusion: The Brazilian Portuguese versions of S-EBPQ and EBP-COQ exhibit strong measurement properties, including high internal consistency, adequate reliability, valid construct validity, and responsiveness. However, some subscales present suboptimal internal consistency, reliability, and construct validity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101140
Pages (from-to)1-8
Number of pages8
JournalBrazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2024

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