Challenges and Opportunities of Dynamic Microsimulation Modelling

Ann Harding

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Paper


Many of the social policy challenges facing the modern welfare state are long-term in nature, particularly the threats to future fiscal sustainability caused by population ageing. In such an environment, dynamic population microsimulation models provide one of the most useful available modelling tools for projecting the likely future distributional consequences of possible policy changes. However, the construction of such dynamic models remains an extremely difficult and costly undertaking, and this paper reviews some of the challenges posed by the construction of dynamic microsimulation models.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages27
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Event50 Years After Orcutt's Vision - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 20 Aug 200722 Aug 2007


Conference50 Years After Orcutt's Vision


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