Chinese Cultural Heritage: Influences on University Learning and Teaching

Patrick ZOU

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapterpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This chapter first introduces the Chinese cultural heritage in relation to education, namely Confucianism, Yi Jing (The Book of Changes) and Da Xue (The Great Learning). It then discusses the author’s own learning and teaching journeys in China and in Australia, as a case study, to demonstrate how the Chinese cultural heritage has been influencing his learning and teaching rationale, methods and practices in Australian universities. This chapter also offers three conceptual frameworks: (1) A 24/7 E-Learning 2.0 Framework; (2) A 6D Teaching Rationale Framework and (3) A 4D Improving Your Teaching Framework. These three frameworks should be integrated and function together in responding to the needs and challenges faced by university learning and teaching in the twenty-first century. In the 24/7 Elearning 2.0 Framework, there are seven key questions that should be asked when designing e-learning courses, and in addition, consideration should be given to the pedagogies to be used in guiding the e-learning process. In the heart of the 6D Teaching Rationale Framework, there are five key questions that should be asked is the student learning experience and outcomes, which is achieved by implementing and integrating five key aspects of teaching practices in relation to students: understanding, oversight, engagement and teacher-student relationships; setting clear learning aims and developing comprehensive learning contents; applying educational technology, e-learning and pedagogical methodologies; focusing on developing students graduate attributes and generic skills; and using assessment to effectively drive learning and achieve learning outcomes. The 4D Teaching Improvement Framework includes: effective lectures; differentiation in teaching; excellence in teaching; and applications for awards for excellence in teaching.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAcademic Migration, Discipline Knowledge and Pedagogical Practice
Subtitle of host publicationVoices from the Asia-Pacific
EditorsC Mason, F Rawlings-Sanaei
Place of PublicationSingapore
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9789814451888
ISBN (Print)9789814451871
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2014

Publication series

NameAcademic Migration, Discipline Knowledge and Pedagogical Practice: Voices from the Asia-Pacific

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