Connected Government: Towards digital era governance?


Research output: Book/ReportReports


The Australian Public Service (APS) is currently undergoing a historic shift towards the establishment of Digital Era Governance (DEG). The process of change challenges the established ways in which policy is made and public services are delivered, monitored and evaluated. Most significantly, it questions dominant public sector cultures and (sometimes), values and provides evidence of the capacity of many departments and agencies in the APS to adapt to new realities. We now live in a digital era, where rapid and disruptive change in societal behaviour and industrial and economic patterns have become the norm. As the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull stated in his April 20 address to the Australian Public Service in the Great Hall at Parliament House:
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCanberra
PublisherUniversity of Canberra
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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