Connective Mourning: The Case of Mourning and Memorialization Practices on X

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This study offers a conceptual framework of connective mourning. The case of mourning and memorialization practices on X. The study demonstrates the crucially different memorialization, and mourning practices and the various resulting parasocial practices and dynamics that they enable. Using the mourning and memorialization of Queen Elizabeth II as a case study, the study point to an emerging practice where through high centrality and density of reciprocity, and low modularity, mourners on X stimulate commonality via decentralized and loose networks that allow for solidarity building during crisis such as mourning. On the Queen specifically, the study grouped those that posted about her death into four categories: the Grievers, the Lauders, the Accusers, and the Defenders. This study concludes that when collective mourning occurs, individuals have more reciprocal relationships on a dyadic level which decreases modularity of the network.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-20
Number of pages20
JournalOmega (United States)
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 20 Oct 2023


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