Corrigendum: Do freshwater turtles use rainfall to increase nest success?(Front. Ecol. Evol., (2022), 10, (852175), 10.3389/fevo.2022.852175)

Gregory A. Geller, J. Sean Doody, Simon Clulow, Richard P. Duncan

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


In the published article, there was an error in Table 5 as published. In the Comments column for Dawson et al., 2014, we wrote “Shows lack of effect of rain before nest construction; relevant rainfall amounts not reported”. This was incorrect. The revised Comment reads as follows: “Red foxes may use a wider array of nest location cues than some other predators; relevant rainfall amounts not reported”. Papers suggesting freshwater turtle nest survival is not enhanced by rainfall. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1241430
Pages (from-to)1-2
Number of pages2
JournalFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Publication statusPublished - 2023

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