
This interim assessment of the ACT creative industries identifies
Canberra as Australia’s premier jurisdiction for creativity. Canberra has
the largest proportionate creative and knowledge workforce in Australia, and the
highest creative intensity (proportion of people working in creative
occupations across all of Canberra’s industries)i in Australia. Its
creative and cultural businesses, which constitute almost 11% of all
ACT active businesses, are growing at a faster rate than the territory
average – and active business growth in the ACT is the strongest in the
nation. It is clear then that Canberra’s creative industries and
workforce make significant contributions to a strong and diversified
economy. Importantly, the critical role of creativity in Canberra extends
beyond economic outputs to the Canberra community, with the highest
cultural attendance, participation and demand for cultural activity in
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyChief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, ACT Government
Number of pages39
Publication statusUnpublished - 15 Dec 2021


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