Current Issues in Aboriginal SMEs

Dennis FOLEY

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapter


This chapter firstly provides a brief overview of Aboriginal small business over the last twenty years incorporating relevant research. We also look at the rise of the Indigenous Chambers of Commerce and their community needs. The chapter then discusses issues that confuse the identification of what is an Aboriginal business based on percentage rhetoric with a comparison of Maori viewpoints as to what is a Maori business. Based on nineteen random interviews of Indigenous Chamber of Commerce members, the concept of what is an Indigenous business is discussed which follows on from the workshop held at the 2013 SEAANZ conference. Finally, this chapter provides a robust and defendable definition and justification of an Indigenous business for effective policy outcomes and facilitating business prosperity.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMeeting the Globalisation Challenge
Subtitle of host publicationSmart and Innovative SMEs in a Globally Competitive Environment
EditorsBernice Kotey; Tim Mazzarol; Delwyn Clark; Dennis Foley; Tui McKeown
Place of PublicationPrahran, Victoria
PublisherTilde University Press
Number of pages18
ISBN (Electronic)9780734621214
ISBN (Print)9780734611925
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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