Deliberative knowledge interface: Lessons and policy implications

Hemant R. Ojha, Krishna P. Paudel, Netra P. Timsina, Ram B. Chhetri

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapterpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


A question that guided the research project as well as the process of editing the book has been: how different systems of knowledge operate around natural resource governance, and how different categories of social agents associated with different systems of knowledge engage in the process of deliberation. Our aim was to bring together empirical evidence and theoretical insights to explore and substantiate key issues and innovations, as well as to draw policy lessons in relation to enhancing deliberative interface among diverse knowledge systems that exist in the context of natural resource governance. We drew upon critical, theoretical insights of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (mainly practice, habitus and field) and German political theorist Jürgen Habermas (mainly communicative reason and deliberation) for the empirical analysis of six case studies of natural resource management in Nepal. The case studies are representative of the various sub-sectors of natural resource governance such as forest, water and agriculture in Nepal at local, sub-national and national levels. These cases together present diverse situations of interface among various systems of knowledge. The six case studies confirm our proposition (see Chapter one) that effective natural resource governance in Nepal is heavily influenced and shaped by the processes through which different categories of social agents and their respective systems of knowledge interact and deliberate with one another. The empirical materials presented in the chapters amply demonstrate that all situations of natural resource governance, to varying degrees, reflect a deliberative interface among four categories of social agents, namely: civil society, techno-bureaucrats, formal politicians and development agencies.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationKnowledge Systems and Natural Resources
Subtitle of host publicationManagement, Policy and Institutions in Nepal
EditorsHemant R. Ojha, Netra P Timsina, Ram B. Chhetri, Krishna P Paudel
Place of PublicationCanada
PublisherFoundation Books
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9788175968691
ISBN (Print)9788175965638
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007
Externally publishedYes


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