Design of an Innovative Clinical Strategy for a Specified Articulate Illness Model based on AI

Vikas Kamra, Praveen Kumar, Masoud Mohammadian

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookOther chapter contribution


Our medical resources are being heavily burdened with continuous population growth in our region. Efficient software is therefore urgently needed that improves our medical diagnostic system's quality. The system will be useful to both hospitals and patients. This reduces the risk of human mistakes during patient enrollment. It also preserves clinician's and patient's money and time. Using this device, patients can routinely monitor their risk factors. It technologically enables patients with risk warnings based on symptoms of their illness. While conclusive proof-based medicine has wider support in the field of healthcare, doctors are still difficult to defend it. In most medical fields, research was at least many years behind experience. The system is intended primarily as a checklist to different types of health conditions. This uses machine learning principles and techniques for data mining. In the years to come, the Intelligent Health technologies for the programs designed will become increasingly popular.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication6th International Conference on Information Technology for Business Transformation 2019
Place of PublicationIndia
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event6th National Conference on Information Technology for Business Transformation (ITBT’19) - Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, India
Duration: 8 Nov 20199 Nov 2019


Conference6th National Conference on Information Technology for Business Transformation (ITBT’19)
Abbreviated titleITBT’19
Internet address


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