Design Process, Design Research and Research Design in the Context Of Postgraduate Art & Design Education

Elivio Bonollo, Carlos Hoyos

    Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookConference contributionpeer-review


    This paper sets out to clarify the relationship between the ‘research process’ and the ‘design process’ in the context of research in postgraduate Art & Design education. The relationship between these processes is not well understood, and this is further complicated by terms such as ‘research design’ and ‘design thinking’ when applied to planning research activities, including selecting the qualitative and quantitative methods employed. In addition, ‘practice-based research’ is still controversial in terms of traditional academic research, and its acceptance varies in different countries and art and design schools. However, as will be explained, the ‘research process’ and the ‘design process’ valuable analogous functions which enhance the research outcomes when applied sensibly. This paper will use process modelling tools, diagrams and pragmatic experience from supervising PhD projects to show how the research and design processes are interrelated leading to better informed research experiences for students and supervisors.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationRegion and Isolation: The changing function of art & design education within diasporic cultures and borderlass communities : Proceedings of the 2012 Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools Annual Conference
    EditorsClive Barstow, Digby de Bruin, Julian Goddard
    Place of PublicationAustralia
    PublisherAustralian Council of University Art Design Schools
    Number of pages15
    ISBN (Print)9780975836088
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventACUADS 2012 - Region and Isolation: The Changing Function of Art and Design Education within Diasporic Cultures and Borderless Communities - Central Institute of Technology, Curtin University and Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
    Duration: 3 Oct 20125 Oct 2012


    ConferenceACUADS 2012 - Region and Isolation
    Abbreviated titleACUADS 2012
    OtherIt is with great pleasure that we present the collected papers of the 2012 Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools conference. The 2012 conference was jointly hosted by Central Institute of Technology, Curtin University and Edith Cowan University.

    The title of the 2012 conference was ‘Region and Isolation’, suggesting a theme that we feel is particularly pertinent to current trends in art and design education. For some, the Twenty-first century is proving to be an era of unprecedented freedom; travel and migration have never been easier. The tribulations of geographic distance are, to a great extent, a thing of the past; increasingly sophisticated technologies enable us to stay in touch, even when far from home. And yet, for many others, remoteness and isolation remain a daily reality. The vexed issue of Globalisation presents both challenges and opportunities for art and design educators. While isolation, geographic or otherwise, may often be seen as detrimental to art education and culture, it is important to recognise the possibilities inherent in regionalism: seclusion has the capability of fostering unique and vital cultural identities. Conversely, it is the job of art and design education to ensure that creative cultures are identified, maintained and encouraged in the face of Diaspora and migration. Whether located within a borderless, globally integrated community or operating out of a more remote region, educators must identify strategies for turning their situation into a virtue.

    Many of this year’s papers examine the ways in which tertiary art and design schools are changing or need to change in order to deal with the global realities of the Twenty-first century. Over the course of our three-day program we were also delighted to feature papers that considered educational strategies and techniques in a broader context, as well as presenting a wide range of research reflecting the diverse interests and practices of our sector
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