Digital technology for Indonesian young people: The significance of SNS use and digital literacy for learning

Jee Young LEE, Didin Hidayat

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    Indonesia has recognized the growing demand for information technology, with the
    most rapid adoption of this technology being amongst its young people. Within the
    perspective of a balanced knowledge information society, the adoption of technology
    is crucial for improving social development in developing countries and is considered a
    particularly important tool in education. The education sector is well-placed to harness
    the potential of ICT for the millennial generation in these societies. Based on a survey of
    students enrolled in a university in Jakarta, this study attempts to identify the learning
    and development opportunities available through digital technology by exploring both
    how university students in Indonesia use this technology, and how they experience and
    perceive the benefits of digital learning. In particular, we examine how their access to and
    use of technology is associated with their digital literacy and their perceived usefulness of
    ICT. In general, Indonesian university students are actively engaged in a number of diverse
    activities online, including educational activities, which in turn result in increased online
    learning outcomes. A better understanding of the role of digital literacy and learning
    environments and effective use of technology for learning can provide important insights
    into education and technology use in Indonesia and similar contexts.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)20
    Number of pages35
    JournalMedien Pädagogik
    Publication statusPublished - 23 Oct 2019


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