Diurnal Raptors on the Island of Sumba, Indonesia, in June/July and December/January 2001-2002

Jerry Olsen, Susan Trost

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    During three visits to Sumba, Indonesia, in 2001 and 2002, we noted sightings and behaviour of the 12 species of diurnal raptor known for the island. Brahminy Kites Haliastur indus and Moluccan Kestrels Falco moluccensis were the most numerous raptors on the coast and inland. Kestrels showed pre-breeding behaviour during June–July (dry season) and mating during December–January, the beginning of the wet season. An unidentified harrier Circus sp. not previously recorded for the island was seen twice. It was tentatively identified as either Eastern Marsh C. spilonotus or Swamp Harrier C. approximans. Other raptors were difficult to identify and there may be species of Accipiter or raptors in general yet to be identified. The large numbers of pigeons and parrots on Sumba seemed to constitute an unused prey base, perhaps used by Bonelli’s Eagle Aquila fasciata, or a yet to be discovered eagle, accipiter, or owl species
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)158-166
    Number of pages9
    JournalAustralian Field Ornithology
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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